
Friday, April 8, 2011

Green Team Receives Donation from Cross Farms/Mansanto

On April 7th, the EJSHS Green Team was presented with a $2,500 check from the Mansanto Fund. The team was chosen as the recipient of the grant funds by local farmers Jesse and Colleen Cross of Cross Farms. With the help the GW County Economic Development Director, Ashley Bogle, the Green Team will now be able to finance the purchase of a tiller, and other items for projects in their outdoor classroom, such as the pond for the "AquaPonics system," and the pumps for the rain barrels.

For more information about the Green Team or about our Outdoor Classroom, email us at

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home Grown Top Soil

EJSHS Green Team has been weighing, mixing, dumping, rowing, and turning tons of cafeteria waste since September. Yes tons! We average almost 75lbs of food waste per day at the High School. The Green Team takes the waste and mixes it with sawdust, paper, manure, grass and/or leaves. After mixing, the team will dump a windrow so that the microorganisms can break down all of our food waste and make a nutrient rich top soil. Our first row has been bagged up and is already in use for plants in our outdoor learning area.
If you would like more information about the projects the Green Team is doing, or to come visit the outdoor learning area, please email us at!

Bike or Walk to School or Work Day!

Next Wednesday, April 13th, in celebration of Environmental Education Week, EJSHS Green Team is sponsoring a Bike or Walk to School or Work Day. Students at the HS that walk or ride their bike to school that day will get out early (end of 7th Hour) on Thursday, April 21st. Students who live out in the country are encouraged to meet up at a friends house and walk or ride from there.

Also, at the HS during the week we will be having 'Least Waste Week.' Amount of discarded lunch material will be weighed at the end of each lunch period. The lunch with the least waste will be awarded a banana split/sundae on Monday, April 25th.

Members of the community are encouraged to participate as well! In fact the winning business will receive a Green Team approved prize which may include, but is not limited to, a flower planter full of flowers, installation of a water barrel, or a 50# bag of our 'home grown' topsoil.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Environmental Education Week April 10th-16th!

Governor Brownback (KS) has declared April 10-16th as Environmental Education Week. He is encouraging Kansans to preserve and learn about our state's natural resources through learning about the environment and actively experiencing the outdoors!

Check out National Environmental Education Foundations website dedicated to this very special week!

Terracycle on Dipity

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability