
Friday, April 5, 2013

Blends, Recipes, and Helpfullly/NEEDED Tips

    My newly found alternative to making products like make-up and cleaners is pamphlets or books. I have alternatives to beauty products, including teeth whiteners, facial cleansers, hair spray, lotions, toners, mascara remover, and even toothpaste!!! I also have remedies for ear infections, congestion, fevers, and at least five others, and still looking for more (there are at least 20 to 30 more). Along with skin care remedies and recipes, other beauty tricks, homemade make-up recipes, herbal hair color recipes, sunscreen bar recipes, down to baby wipes, powder, and oil, feminine pads, and even dog and cat treatment recipes, medicine, flea spray, flea collars, and even food. All of these recipes will be documented and put together to be used, and/or sold at fundraisers along with many home-cleaning recipes as well.

Green Update

Almost six weeks left and we are still progressing in our project for the movie theater. We have a few jobs assigned now such as concessions, head of house, website designer, building designer, sign designer, etc. One of our classmates has been doing research on movie projector screens to try to find one that we may be able to buy. We have came up with a few ideas for the new name of the theater such as the Cyclone or the Twister. On my own project, I came up with an idea for an easier to use strainer. All I have left to do is to find the right items to use to make it.

Movie Madness and Hangin' Green! Progress

       Are you someone who has problems figuring out how to do things from scratch?  Good, me too!  This past week I've been emailing a few individuals trying to get an idea of starting costs and information on legal properties when it comes to newly released movie rentals for our latest "Green Team" project.  We are reopening the old movie theater down town, which hasn't been used as a movie theater for twelve years.  This somehow is a longer and more complicated task then I thought it would be... But I enjoy the challenge that comes with it!  I hope to have all of my unanswered questions about movie renting as soon as possible.  After I have all of the information that is needed to get the movies, I then will be getting sponsors for the movie showings!

      On another note, Lyndsey and my project, Hangin' Green, is making some progress.  We don't have any more plants since the last update that was posted, but the plants that we do have growing, are thriving and very healthy looking besides one plant, that we are currently nursing back to health!

CeeD Wall Update

My planted seeds have no sprouted yet and I'm worried that they have die. I have been keeping them watered every day pore seeds.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My partner Jayte Hamilton, and I have taken on a project we like to call "hangin green!" We started out with two liter bottles, which we cut in half. Then we duck tape the top half of the bottle onto the bottom half of the bottle. The top half of the bottle with be the bottom part of our reusable plant holder, which will collect any water the plant does not need, this water will come out of the bottom of the bottom half of the bottles, which we poked wholes in. Next we tied fishing string to the four wholes we have punched with a whole puncher on the top of the bottom half of the bottle. These strings will be used to hang up the plants. Next we just plant out plants in the soil, water every Monday and Thursday, and wait to see what pops up! But, we do have a few plants that are growing and making the room look real "green!" I brought 5 philodendron starts to school (which were my mothers). That day we planted them firmly in the soil and watched them grow as we water and nurture them daily! We are always thrilled when we see new leaves sprout! We talk to them all the time, we will say certain things like "oh look! We're grandparents!" or "look! This one has a new baby! good job plants we are so proud of you!" This has been a really fun project to work on, I am very happy that we got to be apart of this project! I am ecstatic I had the chance to be apart of the Green Team this semester, this was a great experience, and an even better memory! I'm happy I have a few more weeks left with you all! :)

Green Project Update

My partner, Hannah Zimmers and I have been working very hard to get our plants to sprout. After the many breaks (Spring break, long weekends, etc.) I think we have finally gotten our plants to sprout. We have large variety of plants, including parsley, oregano, cilantro, dill, and rosemary. We make sure that they have enough water but not to much water by watering them every few days and make sure they have enough water to survive the weekends. We also have them under a grow light so we know they have what they need to be kept inside without any sunlight. Our plans for the future are to put them into mason jars so they have enough room to grow and to eventually sell them.

Green Team Room

Green Team members are at it again!! New organization tips and tools have took place for easier sorting. We rearranged the room and labeled all bins and drawers. A bulletin board is also posted for daily newsfeed and to-do list. As a team we try to make our school the most clean and efficient we can be. While doing our single projects and big class projects we also recycle at the highschool and marshall elementary every week. A daily routine has been built through the year and it seems like its just go bigger! Were glad to help in any way for the world :)

Terracycle on Dipity

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability