
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hi my name is Felicia

Hi my name is Felicia Clough, I'm a 7th grader, and I'm twelve years old. I joined green team to see what it was like to change the world by recycling. My goal in green team is to make a difference on everybody and make the world a better place.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The EJSHS Green Team is well underway in our major projects. The older students have undertaken the job of the Outdoor classroom which is the site of our "100% Food Waste Compost" bay. Currently we are composting about 150 lbs. of food waste per week. They are in charge of maintenance, mixing, dumping, and turning the compost, not to mention: watering, weeding, and planting the gardens.

The younger kids are working on the "Tornadoes Recycle" project where we've amplified the types of recyclables and upcyclables we accept. Currently we are recycling a little over 250 lbs. of paper, plastic, cardboard, magazines, and newspapers a week.

This week the Green Team will be out at "A Day in the Flint Hills" at Lucky Star Ranch to support the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education. For more information contact Tonia at

Below is a sample of the posters made by the Green Team members to advocate for Outdoor Classrooms and Environmental Education in Schools.

Terracycle on Dipity

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability