Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Terracycling at the courthouse
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Product packaging

If i were in charge of making games for people, i would use a way better solution for wrapping them. Everything doesn't need to be separated and wrapped individually. I would put all of the small things in one thing plastic bag that was air sealed so it would not damage the items. I would than wrap the game boards along with the instructions in one air tight bag. Then once the items were in the box you still have to wrap the outside the same cause if not then people can steal them easily. I would also start a program that every unused game or plastic product would go into the wrapping of the games so they do not go to waste. Also so we don't have to make new plastic to wrap the games in.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
product pakaging, box, terracycle at courthouse
Monday, November 1, 2010
Why pay more ?
This last week the green team has been working hard! The green team was assigned three projects that had to be competed by the end of the week. The projects were the Planet Green drop boxes, Product packaging, and Green Business flyers.
The project that I will tell you about is Product packaging. On this project you had to pick an over packaged product. The product I choose was mail order. Did you know that you might not just be paying for the name on the box but the packaging inside as well?
When I was thinking about what product I wanted to uses, I remembered that buying some thing over the internet or through the mail that came in over packaged. My idea is to place the item in a box big enough to have some shipping material and the item. Without having to hunt for the item you bought in a sea of shipping material.
All around town!
This week the Green Team members had been working on many different projects like, “Planet Green” boxes product packaging and green business advertisement flyers. Out of these projects, I picked the planet Green fundraiser to discuss. Our goal was to design a collection box and create an informational display that goes out into are community to collect inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. The Fundraiser has two parts we get money from what we collect and send in, we get 15% from ink that you supporters purchase from the website below, they can track the progress of the fundraiser and buy remanufactured inkjet cartridges for their printers. The Green Team has been busy raising money to continue our “green projects” and ultimately build a sustainable greenhouse. Please visit any of he following locations to drop off your items:
Emprise Bank
Flint Hills Feed
Secured Title
GWCO courthouse
GWCO Hospital
New Beginnings
Alan’s Carpet & Flooring
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Jeans don't just keep your legs warm!!

Levi Strauss is launching a $100,000 denim insulation fund which will provide grants to non-profit organizations who are currently undergoing construction projects. The fund will offset the cost difference of using recycled denim insulation instead of conventional insulation. The cost of the recycled denim insulation was easily three times the price of fiberglass.
Levi Strauss also has another project in place called "Care tag for our Planet" in cooperation with Goodwill. The tage on their products not only instructs consumers on how to clean their clothes will less environmental impact, it also encourages them to donate used jeans to Goodwill rather than throwing them out. According to Goodwill, about 23.8 billion pounds of clothing end up in U.S. landfills each year.
The company also has started some efforts to reduce the amount of packaging they use. They are reducing the number of "hangtags" on each garment from an average of two to three. They are also beginning to print size and care information directly onto garments. Here's a quote from the Levi Strauss company about reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the environment. "Through participation in the Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), we have joined other global companies in calling for leadership and support from the U.S. administration and Congress to develop energy and climate legislation that promotes energy efficiency, encourages energy and climate innovation, and reduces overall greenhouse gas emissions".
This is great! Levi Strauss is really using their resources to make better decisions about what their company's doing to the environment. They have many more cool initiatives in place, you should check their website out at
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Du Pont And The Green Racing Team
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
projects, projects every where but not a time to waste
The green team is in over it's head this week with projects. First, we have our drop boxes for our Planet Green fundraiser. These will be located at Eurekan businesses all over town. Mine will be at Emprise bank. Our second project is a way to reduce waste from products, like why do they need so many boxes for small video games? If we reduce the waste from the company, then we have to throw out less and landfills would not as often. This could also make it so we would have less garbage, the garbage trucks would be used less, and any gas that would have put more CO2 into the air. That was just a possibility if this was to go large scale. Our third project is using our class to tell everyone who the companies are, that are making reduction of their waste. This was our final project, thank you for finishing it for me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Planet Green Fundraiser

Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? If you have an old cell phone that is no more use than a paper weight, think Planet Green.
How about those ink cartridges that cost a bundle and you have no way of disposing them safely after they run out? Think Planet Green.
Planet Green is a company that is taking out the middle man when it comes to recycling and buying recycled products. The Green Team has joined forces in a fund raising effort to clean up, stock up, and pay out!
Take a look at the locations below where you can drop off your used ink cartridges and old cell phones and support the Green Team in its collection efforts. For every item we send in, we will receive market prices for the recyclable materials. For every recycled ink cartridge you purchase from the site, we receive 15%!
Please help us in our collection efforts! You can find drop boxes at the following local businesses:
GW County Hospital
Kansas Secured Title Co.
Loretta's Flowers & Candles
G&W Foods
Alan's Carpet & Flooring
Eureka Library
Alco Discount Store
New Beginnings
Emprise Bank
Monday, October 18, 2010
will not believe
Water Audit
Water usage
the water audit
Monday, October 4, 2010
Water Usage
Mixin' It Up!

Recently, the Environmental Science II class received a mechanical mixer through a generous donation from Dave Harris of Erie. This mechanical mixer will aid in the planned anaerobic decomposition of the High School's protein waste. What this means is that from now on, EJSHS will not throw away any food waste!!
This is very exciting as it adds an additional dimension to our goal of solid waste reduction in the district. The machine will mix the food waste with various sources of nitrogen (manure, grass) and carbon (paper). This mixture will in turn be spread into windrows to process.
The windrows will be monitored to make sure high temperatures are present for sufficient breakdown of the protein material. At the end of the process period (approx. 90 days), we will have a large amount of high-nutrient fertilizer!
This fertilizer is going to be bagged up in used feed bags, and thanks to Ranch Aid Inc., sewn shut for distribution!
Go Green Team!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Westar Energy Savings
Westar Visit to greenteam
Westar Energy Electricity Visit
Energy Saver
Weststar teaching us how to save energy
Thursday, September 30, 2010
caseys household water audit
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
One Class, Two very cool donations!
During the first 9 weeks, Mrs. Alonso's third grade class has been busy with math, reading, science, and Terracycling? That's right! It all started with a simple birthday party that served Capri Sun juice drinks. 3rd grader Quinton Phelan asked his teacher if he could collect the drink pouches to Terracycle. Mrs. Alonso and her class agreed and pitched in, not once, but twice already!
The EJSHS Green Team is a member of the Terracycle Juice Pouch Brigade which donates $.02 to the school for every pouch turned in. The class' donation got the Green Team closer to its goal of 500 pouches.
To show their appreciation, the Green Team presented the class with Terracycle bag, made completely out of 'upcycled' Capri Sun juice pouches. That way, when they collect in the future, they can store the pouches in the bag made out of pouches!!
Way to go guys!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Homely Water Audit
Friday, September 24, 2010
Long week
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What I learned and going to learn
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Green Team and Me
Playing with animals
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A Shark Start
Blue Shark
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Thank You again BP!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Green Team Success
New Greenteamers
Lets get stuff done
EJSHS Greenteam
Me about the "green team"
EJSHS GreenTeam
What? Why? And How?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Green Team- Season 2
In addition to learning about solid waste management, we have set in motion plans for Terracycle expansion to the elementary school, additional composting of food waste with the help of a compost tumbler, and the acquisition of a mechanical mixer that will help us compost our proteins.
If you would like to become a member of the greenteam, help with fundraisers and grants, or just simply learn more about our projects, stay tuned to this website or contact us
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Terracycle on Dipity
Terra Cycle on Dipity.