
Friday, January 21, 2011

Bio-engineered Pig

In an article out of Popular Science I read about the EnviroPig. They discuss a chemical that is found in their “poop”. It turns out that this chemical phosphorus, is pollution the environment. They say it wastes into the ocean where it feeds bacteria and algae creating oxygen “dead zone”. These dead zones are places where very few species can survive. I don’t believe the pigs are the only things causing these “dead zones’ we are going to have to fix a lot more than just pigs.  I don’t believe this will be a big hit with farmers or the buyers because; this is going to cost farmers more money longer down the road. This would only save about $1.75 a pig. That is not a whole lot, if this pig doesn’t have the fat or the taste of a normal pig I don’t think any one will want to buy it, and when it comes out it will probably way to expensive. We are not able to try this pig at this time, it is illegal despite the temptation, Bjorn Carey said in the future he “expect they’ll taste quite good”

1 comment:

  1. I think that if they can create this pig and make it better for the environment then it will be a big hit. Even though it will cost more it will pay off in the long run. I think that it will cost more than we are used to now but after awhile of selling it on the market people will start buying the bacon more and more. I think the farmers will be reluctant at first also but will realize how good it will be for the environment and their farm land. In the long run the high costs will pay off.


Terracycle on Dipity

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability