On Thursday, two members of the Green Team visited the Mrs. Lowe's Kindergarten class to present their Environmental Science Lesson they developed. The student groups chose an
Environmentally-themed, age appropriate book to read to the classes. Then they had to design a science-based activity for the students to reinforce the story. Angel and Jesse Fisher chose 'Enora and the Black Crane' as their book. Along with it, they concocted 'green,' 'environmentally friendly' paint for the students to use in the activity. After reading the book, the students were asked to choose a part of the story they liked, and use the paints to recreate it. The student's were able to interact with the children and the message was to observe the beauty in nature and being responsible, stewards of the environment. Stay tuned for more presentations!
I had fun doing the presentation and the kids had fun with it to. But Then I showed them how to mix paints and well...it got messy.