
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Death Rates are down!!!!

The death rates are down in every way possible. The police have said that they have seen death rates drop in homoicides and in car wrecks. In the United States the HIV/AIDS death rates are down also, but in Africa for example the HIV/AIDS death rates are increasing instead of decreasing. The average life span for a typical man is 75 the average life span for a typical female is around 80 years old. The average man is said to quit smoking and see more birthdays. Heart disease and Cancer are still to this day is the mostly deadly thing around, those two things still have the highest death rates even though they have decreased some also.

By the year 2050 the people over 75 is suppose to double and the life span is going to get longer for men. The gap of the years in the between men and women in decreasing. Scientist say it's do to better medicine and smarter patients. The doctors are also saying that people are working out more often and and staying in shape better. The senior citizens of the nation are running more often and working out as well.

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