
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tornadoes Recycle Project Keeps Trucking

March 11, 2014
The Tornadoes Recycle project is a cooperative effort between the school and the county to amplify recycling efforts around the district. In 2010, the EJSHS Green Team was awarded a $5,000 grant from KDHE to manage solid waste in our building. In addition to building composting sites, the grant covered the purchase of recycle bins for each teacher in the building. The Green Team was eligible for the grant because we belong to the Kansas Green Schools Network.

In the graph, you will see the building's recycle efforts for the previous 9-wk. period. The teachers compete weekly,  and the Green Team students are in charge of collecting the data. The school has recycled 1,875 lbs of paper, plastic, cardboard, and glass this semester already.

Terracycle on Dipity

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability