
Friday, January 28, 2011

T-Shirt Design Contest


 These are the designs in the running for the t-shirt design contest. To vote on the design, leave a comment on this post with the option you like best. Thank you for your help!




  1. taylers t-shirt design is the best one out of this bunch

  2. i really like #3. the quote on the back "Theres no 'I' in Team" shows how we are all in this together, and we have to help eachother help our Earth.

  3. I like something on all of them I think with what we have we can make one good t-shirt! but most of what I like is Taylers, # 4. because she has betsy's quote, and included a lot of what the EJSJS green team is about!

  4. I wish the t-shirts had a color scheme. I have to go with number 5 because of this.


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