
Thursday, November 11, 2010

product pakaging, box, terracycle at courthouse

I created a box displaying for people to see that you can recycle old inkjet cartridges and old cell phones. My box is displayed at the local Alco here in Eureka, and has only collected a few items, but is doing well! The product packaging I chose to pick on was chip bags, and it made since because they use a lot of packaging. There is no need to use as much packaging as Doritos and Frito Lay does, its not very smart in my opinion. Or even in beef jerky packaging its similar to chips but, they are just as bad at a lot of packaging or even worse. I believe they are ripping people off by making it look like they have a lot of product but actually with not very much product. The only product that is equal to the packaging is candy bars. They do an excellent job at making them right unlike a bunch of other companies. But other than candy bars it doesnt seem like very many companies do a good job at trying to help the environment. They should make all of their rappers or bags where they can dissolve into the ground while in the landfill and help the environment. Now terracycling in the courthouse will help the landfill just like we have here in the high school. They seem to be very supportive of our ideas and want to help us, especially Ashly Bogle. She has helped the green team soooo much with getting our word out about terracycling and recycling.

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