
Friday, January 21, 2011

Pigs that we can't eat yet

Our posts this week will be dealing with genetically modified pigs that take in more phosphorus. Phosphorus is a toxic element if it is by its self, but is need to make our cells function properly and do their jobs. Humans can that in phosphorus from plants, animals, or minerals that we eat, but normal pigs can't do that. The new "Green Pigs" take up to 40% more than normal pigs. Now the pig have had eight generations to grow but the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Health Canada have yet to allow the "Green Pigs" to be used as food in our countries. "Unfortunately, it is illegal for us to do taste test at this time, despite the temptation," Cecil Forsberg, the man who change the pigs genes, said. "But I expect they'll taste quite good."

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